The dbFront 1.1.5 branch has stabilized with 34 new features since dbFront 1.1.1. This release will only receive important bug fixes going forward.
Hot on it's heels is dbFront 1.2.1. This release adds a new Database Home menu and Power-User layout options plus more.
Notice: Licenses with Support & Maintenance that has been expired for two years will require a full purchase to upgrade.
dbFront 1.1.5 is Stable
The 1.1.5 branch of dbFront has mostly been about solidifying and finalizing the 1.1 branch of dbFront. There have been some important licensing changes to make FREE versions of dbFront more functional and to enable resellers.
The new features included in the 1.1.5 branch are:
- Decimals: Improved Decimal handling and ability to set Decimal rounding.
- Licensing:
- FREE license limited to 3 users with referrals to add more.
- Removed the Object Limit for FREE licenses.
- Removed the View Limit for FREE licenses.
- Removed the View Limit for PRO licenses.
- Full-Text Search:
- Add admin setting (FullLikeRowLimit) to set max table size for full-like searches. e.g. '%value%'.
- Improved composite searches covering both regular and fulltext indexes.
- Improved handling of quoted keywords.
- Resellers: Alternate License codes to accommodate ComponentSource & FastSpring.
- Structure: Prompt for page refresh if structure changes are detected.
The full release history for the 1.1.15 branch can be found at Release History 1.1.5
Lookout for dbFront 1.2.1!
The new 1.2.1 branch of dbFront launches a whole new set of functionality with 24 new features! Most of the features are aimed at improving the layout options and making it easier to direct users.
- CSS/Column: Assign a Field's CSS class to its grid column for column-specific layout.
- CSS/Grid: Support multiple pipe | separated CSS class names to enable custom CSS for specific row values.
- GridEditing: Added support for GridEditing on tables with Row Security.
- HomeScreen:
- New database home screen with a menu item and customizable title and content.
- Default layout enables menu of reports, buttons and tables.
- List selected action buttons as reports.
- List selected action buttons that don't require an active record.
- Respect visibility expressions on action buttons.
- List selected multi-row reports.
- List selected tables.
- Expand profile expressions in the content HTML.
- Expands {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- Sanitize the home screen HTML when saving.
- Menu: Optionally move the Database menu into the home screen.
- MyLayout: Allow Power Users to create/edit their own version of a table's layout.
- Power Users can easily switch between the default and custom layouts.
- PageFooter: Now supports {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- System: The site warning or error can now be discarded. Still visible in the System Monitor.
- WebRequest: Added Action Button which will load a table field from an external URL.
- Optionally parse JSON requests using JsonPath.
- Optionally parse XML requests using XPath.
The full release history for the 1.2.1 branch can be found at Release History 1.2.1