The newest anything always seems best, until you put it to the test...
We have been testing the 1.2.2 branch of dbFront these past 6 months, and it has stabilized to the point where it is ready to replace dbFront 1.1.5 as the new Stable release. With 38 new features and 89 fixes, dbFront 1.2.2 represents a significant improvement over previous versions of dbFront.
dbFront 1.2.2 is Stable
The 1.2.2 branch of dbFront continues the theme of adding user requested functionality. The three most significant features are:
- Home Screen: Adding a Home Screen to database applications helps users get to work faster,
- Crystal Reports: Allow users to download or print complex and powerful Crystal Reports,
- Custom Layout: Optionally allow Power Users to create their own custom layout for any table,
The detailed feature list is below includes many usabilty features like row-count bubbles on the table tabs:
- CSS/Column: Assign a Field's CSS class to its grid column for column-specific layout.
- CSS/Grid: Support multiple pipe | separated, CSS class names. See: Table-Row-Styling
- CrystalReports
- Able to return multiple types: csv, doc, pdf, rtf, tsv, xls.
- Added the ability to run Crystal Reports. See: CrystalReports
- Optionally print Crystal Reports to a Server Printer.
- Excel: Updated OpenXml.
- GridEdit
- Added support for GridEditing on tables with Row Security.
- The RowCSS immediately refreshes with grid data changes.
- HomeScreen
- Expand profile expressions in the content HTML.
- Improved Default.
- List selected action buttons as reports.
- List selected action buttons that don't require an active record.
- List selected multi-row reports.
- List selected tables.
- New database home screen with a menu item and customizable title and content.
- Now supports {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- Respect visibility expressions on action buttons.
- Sanitize the home screen HTML when saving.
- LDAP: Added ability to set LDAP filter for ADFS.
- Menu: Optionally move the Database menu into the home screen.
- MyLayout
- Add ability to manage Custom Layout access.
- Allow users to create/edit their own version of a table's layout.
- Users can easily switch between the default and custom layouts.
- OpenURL
- Allow "file://c:\filepath\file.pdf" to resolve to a Local Download.
- Local Download limited to specific "safe" file types.
- Settings configure Allowed Local FilePaths. e.g. c:\filepath*.pdf
- Oracle: Updated Oracle.ManagedDataAccess.
- PageFooter: Now supports {%DatabaseCaption%},{%TableCaption%},{%LogoUri%},{%InspirationalQuote%}
- Settings: Optionally block the ability to export/import data from the Admin database screen.
- System: The site warning or error can now be discarded. Still visible in the System Monitor.
- Table: TableHeaders will float above the data when the page is scrolled down.
- TableTabs: Child Tabs now show a row count for 1-1 and 1-M relationships.
- Themes: Added a clean/flat version of standard themes by clearing background images.
- WebRequests
- Added option to load a table field from an external URL.
- Optionally parse JSON requests using JsonPath.
- Optionally parse XML requests using XPath.
- WebRequest is now a firstclass button type.
The full release history for the 1.2.2 branch can be found at Release History 1.2.2